Happy wife
to a very supportive husband

Mom & Stepmom to 5 handsome men 
Oma (Grandma) to 10 beautiful grandchildren 

Just a few years ago...

One of my little granddaughters struggled with asthma. I can't tell you how much it scared me to think that this little girl, my granddaughter, was getting antibiotic after antibiotic as well as steroids! 

I was so excited and relieved when her Mamma started to include some natural solutions that offered relief.

It didn't take long for me to realize that this was a movement and opportunity I wanted to be a part of!  

I've always had a heart for others and I love helping people.  What if God had another plan for me?  To use my heart to do more?

That's why I said yes to this opportunity!  Not only to share and help people with solutions to everyday issues and to help them remove toxins from their lives, but also to educate, encourage and empower them.  I want others to know they have options!

One Drop at a Time

Through the life-enhancing benefits of essential oils, doTERRA is changing the world one drop, one person, one community at a time.

With industry-leading, responsible sourcing practices, doTERRA maintains the highest levels of quality, purity, and sustainability in partnerships with local growers around the globe through Co-Impact Sourcing®. The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation®, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, offers resources and tools to sourcing communities and charitable organizations to raise self-reliance, increase access to healthcare, promote education, advance sanitation, and fight against human trafficking.

Join the Global Wellness Movement

All over the world, people are looking for natural alternatives to live healthier & happier. Come get inspired and receive support on your own journey!

Get the Free Guide

If you're wondering, "What are essential oils? How can I use them to improve my health?" be sure to download our free "Getting Started with Essential Oils" guide today!

Let's connect on Instagram  EssentialMA